Podlaskie. Fuelled by nature. - Startups



The region has given birth to a range of innovative companies and solutions which have taken Poland and the world by storm. Meet some of the business rising stars from Podlaskie region.

Photon – an educational robot

The Photon is a joint project of students of the Białystok University of Technology. It teaches children the basics of programming, develops logical thinking skills and introduces kids to the world of new technologies. Marcin Joka, Photon Entertainment CEO, stresses: “It is the first educational robot which grows together with the child”.

Photon has won several prestigious prizes, including the “Good Design” for best product design, and Photon Entertainment has been awarded the Presidential Economic Award in the “Best Polish Startup” category.

Virtual reality 

RiftCat is a small developer studio established in 2015 by a group of students of the Białystok University of Technology. From the very beginning it was focused on one vision – to make virtual reality available to everyone. The RiftCat team develops the VRidge software platform, which uses VR technology in mobile phones.

“The VRidge has become a milestone of global adaptation of VR technology. We are proud to have given the possibility to experience VR to so many people around the world”  – says Marek Antoniuk, RiftCat CEO.

In 2017, RiftCat won the “TOP Startup of Eastern Poland” Award.

Innovative Intranet

Łukasz Skłodowski and Grzegorz Ciwoniuk, the founders of Elastic Cloud Solutions, create advanced Intranet solutions, which support companies and organisations in their day-to-day business: workai platform. Their product now has over 200,000 users in 40 countries. It had been selected by Nielsen Norman Group as one of 10 best solutions of this type in the world and awarded with the prestigious Best Intranet Design Award in 2018.

Łukasz Skłodowski and Grzegorz Ciwoniuk, the founders of Elastic Cloud Solutions
Rover ARGO during competition in Canada

Mars rovers

Podlaskie is famous for… Mars rovers! Robots constructed by the students of the Robotics Scientific Research Club at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering of the Białystok University of Technology took part in the prestigious University Rover Challenge in the USA many times, and have won 4 championship titles! Their newest model, ARGO, was a runner-up at the Canadian International Rover Challenge 2018 beating several competitors from all over the world.

Petros Psyllos and his inventions

An electronics engineer and programmer fascinated with artificial intelligence, robotics and cognitive science. But most of all, an inventor driven by the pursuit of innovative solutions. He has invented an “artificial eye” to assist the blind, a personalised speech synthesiser and a glove, which supports communication skills of those unable to speak.

Petros was recognized by American Forbes as one of the 30 brightest young inventors in Europe and by Massachusetts Institute of Technology Review as one of the 10 brightest young inventors in Poland. He is the winner of over 17 main awards in the field of invention both in Poland and abroad (USA, France, Belgium, China). 

Petros is also the national winner and central stage finalist of Imagine Cup the largest technology competition, organized by Microsoft in Seattle.

Petros Psyllos / petrospsyllos.com
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