Podlaskie. Fuelled by nature. - Tourism

Discover Podlaskie


TripAdvisor: 5.0
Biebrza National Park

"I was fascinated by the irresistible charm of the Biebrza. There is no other river like it in the entire Poland. Beautiful and inaccessible. Peaceful and pristine, a perfect place to recharge."

Cubbus, Katowice, Poland
TripAdvisor: 4.5
Białowieża Forest

"If you haven’t been to the Białowieża Forest, you know nothing about Europe. This is what the real forest used to look like. It is a definite must-see."

expat1000, Nykoping, Sweden
TripAdvisor: 4.5
Mosque in Kruszyniany

"One of the few places in Poland that should be seen in order to get to know the culture and life of three cultures and religions that cooperate with each other: Catholic, Orthodox and Muslim. A good lesson of history and tolerance."

Dana L., New York, USA
Podlaskie TOP 10

Podlaskie dazzles with its pristine nature, diverse landscape and exotic charm. Here are TOP 10 places you simply can’t miss when in north-eastern Poland.

Nature in pristine condition

Podlaskie is one of the most biodiverse regions in Poland. It features 4 national parks, which cover a significant part of the region’s total area.

Podlaskie Landscape Parks

Suwalszczyzna Hills, Knyszynska Forest and Narew Valley – completely different, but equally stunning – are mandatory stops on the tourist map of Poland.

Taste Podlaskie

Podlaskie has for ages been a melting pot for many different nations and cultures. This unique mix is reflected in the cuisine of the region, which features a one-of-its-kind mosaic of flavours, aromas and sensations.

September in Podlaskie

Na przełomie lata i jesieni w Podlaskiem rozbrzmiewa muzyka. W Białymstoku słynny Up to Date Festival, a w podlaskich lasach - wyjątkowy koncert natury: rykowisko, czyli gody jeleni.

Podlaskie has
the largest Orthodox population in Poland.
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