Podlaskie dazzles with its pristine nature, diverse landscape and exotic charm. Here are TOP 10 places you simply can’t miss when in north-eastern Poland.
Podlaskie is one of the most biodiverse regions in Poland. It features 4 national parks, which cover a significant part of the region’s total area.
Suwalszczyzna Hills, Knyszynska Forest and Narew Valley – completely different, but equally stunning – are mandatory stops on the tourist map of Poland.
Podlaskie has for ages been a melting pot for many different nations and cultures. This unique mix is reflected in the cuisine of the region, which features a one-of-its-kind mosaic of flavours, aromas and sensations.
W Podlaskiem leży polski “biegun zimna” – tak określane są okolice Suwałk. A gdy temperatura spada poniżej zera, w regionie pojawiają się... morsy. Przekonaj się!